Elaboration of Executive Presentation of Infrastructure costs for an SAP Migration project from On-Premises to AWS

In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as a Cloud Architect and created an executive presentation of infrastructure costs for a SAP migration project from On-Premises to AWS.
SAP workloads were running in a corporate DataCenter with the environment divided into Production, Quality Assurance — QA and Development/Test layers.

I had assumed that the cost of moving from on-premises to cloud infrastructure would be exponentially higher than that of traditional hardware and software. I was taken aback by the reality, which defies common sense. How could an environment that operates at lightning speed and is technologically improved by quantum leaps be less expensive than a standard legacy on-premise setup? The lower cost is, in my opinion, one of the key advantages of employing a cloud environment over an on-premises data center.

AWS services Production Environment cost

EC2 Instances: Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge

Payment options:

Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)

AWS Stage Environment cost estimate:

Elastic Load Balancing

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
We’ll need of 1TB + 500GB + 250GB = 1750GB

Amazon RDS for Oracle Estimate cost for Server
We’ll need of 3 TB = 3000GB / 2 = 1500 GB per instance

Estimate cost for Oracle Database: “HML”

Estimate custom per services ‘Oracle’: “Dev/Tests”

Estimate ‘Support’ service:

Estimate summary:
My mission was to estimate the costs of migration to AWS, considering that this infrastructure will be running on AWS for at least the next 3 years. Using the AWS Pricing Calculator, I was able to generate a cost estimate for migrating each of the three SAP environments to AWS. I then exported the cost estimate to an excel document. The cost were broken down into monthly and annual cost. I then imported that data into and executive cost presentation in order to present the cost estimate in a visual and easy to understand format.

Monthly cost cal:

AWS Cost Estimate SAP Migration to AWS

Total Cost 12 Month(USD)

Conclusion: An essential step in the cloud migration process is figuring out how much it will cost to migrate to the cloud. The AWS Pricing Calculator offers a precise cost estimate for moving on-premises resources to the cloud, making it an invaluable tool for cloud professionals.